Drink oil to lose weight? Make no mistake, this way it can help you to quickly thin! In addition to drinking the oil, there are six other strange ways that can make your body more slender. See the complete list below.
Drinking oil
Drink a tablespoon of olive oil mixed with sugar water in the same amount twice a day can help you lose weight. When taking something bland and tasteless, the brain will react to reduce appetite and assume that you are not hungry enough to eat more food. Remember!! Not kerosene!
Eating spicy
Spicy food will usually help you to reduce normal eating resulting in weight loss. Feel free to add a spicy flavor to the food if you really want to skinny. So I suggest to replace your breakfast with a pack maicih level 10.
Stop snacks
Eating snacks is one of the causes of obesity. Therefore you should stop for a snack every day to get the weight right down. It's okay to eat a snack but do not overdo it.
Eating candy while cooking
When cooking, you'll often taste the food you are though. To avoid this, eat that candy with mint flavor mouth 'locked' and not be tempted to taste every dish you make.
Pinching the nose
Pinching the nose will help you trouble in a food smell. This will keep you stuck to spend a meal with a tantalizing aroma.
Eating once a day
You could also try eating once a day, or used to call Muslims to fast. In addition to good health, fasting is believed to help weight loss programs.
So, what are you waiting
Drinking oil
Drink a tablespoon of olive oil mixed with sugar water in the same amount twice a day can help you lose weight. When taking something bland and tasteless, the brain will react to reduce appetite and assume that you are not hungry enough to eat more food. Remember!! Not kerosene!
Eating spicy
Spicy food will usually help you to reduce normal eating resulting in weight loss. Feel free to add a spicy flavor to the food if you really want to skinny. So I suggest to replace your breakfast with a pack maicih level 10.
Stop snacks
Eating snacks is one of the causes of obesity. Therefore you should stop for a snack every day to get the weight right down. It's okay to eat a snack but do not overdo it.
Eating candy while cooking
When cooking, you'll often taste the food you are though. To avoid this, eat that candy with mint flavor mouth 'locked' and not be tempted to taste every dish you make.
Pinching the nose
Pinching the nose will help you trouble in a food smell. This will keep you stuck to spend a meal with a tantalizing aroma.
Eating once a day
You could also try eating once a day, or used to call Muslims to fast. In addition to good health, fasting is believed to help weight loss programs.
So, what are you waiting